Saturday, December 29, 2007

Children of Peace Documentary poster/logo

Here is a poster for a documentary on the Children of Peace. Its basically the logo.

The Bi-line:
This is the story of Binh Rybacki, a Vietnamese refugee, now an American citizen, who is fighting to save the forgotten children of Vietnam — the Children of Peace.

pretty cool. the original photo is by Karen Schuler and has become the base of the logo.

simple. bold. dramatic.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Just finished this movie poster for a documentary called Leave No Soldier. The Movie concentrates on american soldiers and what they deal with when they get back from war. I was very happy with how the camulage in the red- white-blue came out.

Was insane drawing it though.

hand painted the logo with white out, used 3 bottles of the stuff, then composed bits and pieces in photoshop.

I think i'm going to do a small run of these on archival.